Empelvic helps to give you improved awareness of your pelvic floor muscles. You will learn about the interaction between your pelvic floor, your breathing and the way your body moves. Using your cushion every day can heighten your awareness and the potential to move and control your pelvic floor.
Use a chair with a flat and level seat, adjusted to your height and giving you a 90-degree bend at your knee.
If it is difficult to find a good position, or if it is uncomfortable when you sit on your cushion, try the following:
The following will guide you through the various exercises, all of which can increase movement in the pelvic floor. You may not feel this movement straight away as it is very subtle and initial awareness varies from individual to individual. When you begin to feel and recognise movement in your pelvic floor during a particular exercise, keep hold of that feeling. Carrying out these exercises can help you to become more aware of your pelvic floor and how it feels when it moves. Once you have gained this awareness you can progress to supporting and strengthening these movements, thus learning to control and steer them.
Download the how to use instructions here