Premature ejaculation is one of the prevalent issues in the realm of sexual difficulties.
Encountering premature ejaculation, defined as climaxing sooner than desired, is a widespread sexual challenge for men.
In professional contexts, it is suggested that if ejaculation occurs within one minute of initiating intercourse, it may be classified as "premature ejaculation”. Unrealistic expectations regarding the perceived "normal" duration only contributes to this concern.
Conversely, some individuals may experience ejaculation while attempting to use a condom or immediately upon penetration. This poses a genuine issue if ejaculation happens before achieving a full erection or experiencing the intended level of arousal.
An overwhelming sense of ejaculation, accompanied by a lack of warning signals indicates a disruption in communication between the pelvic region and the brain. This disruption can either be a result of or contribute to heightened tension in the pelvic floor.
Consulting with a doctor is advisable.
If you find yourself facing premature ejaculation without apparent reasons such as increased stress or other logical factors, it's recommended to consult with your doctor.